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Prof. Weibo HuangGraduated from Sichuan University in 1986 andjoined MCRI (Marine Chemical Research Institute) the same year.
Mr. Dudley J. PrimeauxReceived an M.S. Degree in Organic Chemistry from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas in 1984.
Raw material
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- Qtech-411 Bridge Ultra-Long Service Life Polyurea Material
PDA 2010 Annual Conference Call for Presentations - Respond by August 12!

Papers, Presentations, and Project Showcases
The 2010 Annual Conference is shaping up to be a fantastic one this year in sunny Orlando, FL.Just like last year抯 conference in Albuquerque, NM we are trying to keep with a theme for the overall conference.This year, in light of what is happening economically both nationally and globally, we are trying to focus our attention towards the federal dollars flowing into infrastructure projects across the nation.Regardless of your political affiliation, there is money being spent, and some of it should be spent on polyurea!
The Program Committee has lined up some great topics and presentations, and we are looking to you, the members, to help fill the line up.Here are some suggestions and guidelines of what we are looking for.
Project Showcases were a huge hit at the last conference!These showcases allow the presenter to show off a coating project that originated through a government entity, the project should focus on novelty of application, uniqueness of design, or success where other coatings have failed.
Since we are in Florida, we are looking at having someone speak about specifying coatings into Miami-Dade.Miami-Dade is one of the most rigorous and difficult set of standards in the country, and when it comes to roofing material, their standards have become the bench mark.If you know someone, or have had experience working with these regulations, we would love to hear from you.
Furthermore, if you have a topic you would like to present, or a paper you would like to give, please feel free to contact us.The focus on government projects is a suggestion, and any member input is always appreciated and encouraged.
If you or your company has a topic you would like to submit for this year抯 annual conference please contact me at 713.466.4988 or kelin@polyvers.com or Erin Nied with the PDA at 816.221.0777 or erin@robstan.com by August 12 so we can begin the process of submitting an abstract.
Once again, thank you for your continued support of the Polyurea Development Association; it is through your continued involvement that we can put on these fantastic conferences. I look forward to seeing all of you in Orlando, April 13-15, 2010!
Thank You
Kelin Bower
PDA Program Committee Chair
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