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Prof. Weibo HuangGraduated from Sichuan University in 1986 andjoined MCRI (Marine Chemical Research Institute) the same year.
Mr. Dudley J. PrimeauxReceived an M.S. Degree in Organic Chemistry from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas in 1984.
Raw material
- Qtech-114 Aliphatic Polyurethane Top Coat
- Qtech-112 All Weather Surface Preparation System
- Qtech-404 Mining Equipment Ultra Anti-Abrasion Polyurea Material
- Qtech-400 High Speed Railway Sub Grade Polyurea Protective Coating
- Qtech-406 Elastomer Waterproofing Material
- Qtech-407 Anti-Microbial Polyurea Material
- Qtech-411 Bridge Ultra-Long Service Life Polyurea Material
PDA Announces 2009 Applicator Spray Course Dates!

Kansas City, MO: December 3, 2008 ?Polyurea Development Association (PDA) will host three Applicator Spray Courses in 2009 at Polyvers Facility in Houston, TX.This course is the most comprehensive training in the polyurea market with hands-on training.
2009 Dates:
- March 3-6
- May 5-8
- October 6-9
The Applicator Spray Course identifies the many elements involved in the successful set up and operation of polyurea spray equipment. It also gives attendees an in-depth analysis of commercially available equipment designs and necessary hardware components to ensure successful operation and spray application of polyureas. 揑t is the best applicator training class that I have attended in the 30 years I've been in the restoration business,?said course attendee, Pat Lauro; Lesco Restorations, Inc.; of Spartanburg, S.C.
Our spray course is taught by two of the most respected leaders in the polyurea industry, Dudley Primeaux II and Doug Commette. Primeaux and Commette give you hands-on, applied instruction that can help you become a leader in the polyurea industry. 揟he instructors are very knowledgeable and thorough, and the hands-on portion replicates real-world conditions, rather than laboratory conditions,?Lauro added.
PDA members receive a discount on the course, however the course is open to anyone in the polyurea industry.Registration is now open for the March course; please visit www.pda-online.org for online registration and more information.
PDA is the only association in the world formed specifically to address the awareness and education of polyurea technologies and its use. Members include contractors, formulators, material suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and specifiers who seek to expand the business of polyurea. PDA promotes continuing education and the highest professional and ethical conduct within the industry.
Registration materials for PDA抯 10th Annual Conference, January 20-23, 2009 in Albuquerque, New Mexico are now available. For more information, visit www.pda-online.org or call Erin Nied, PDA Associate Director at (816) 221-0777.